‘Laurie MacFayden’s White Shirt is the sort of garment that appeals and reveals far more than it conceals. Love, longing, loss and desire drip and swirl like the poet’s own Pollock-inspired cover art. Simple strategies work well here: the Tower-of-Babel adjectival pileup that describes one babelicious mouth in ‘dear life’ leads into other catalogues and […]
Beneath the White Shirt: Passion, tenderness, vivid colour
Lovely review of White Shirt from George Elliott Clarke in Sunday’s Halifax Chronicle Herald: “White Shirt announces itself with stunning cover art by MacFayden herself. The cover art, Allegra, its violent lashings and splatters of paint, testifies to MacFayden’s sensibility: Her work is ejaculations, vivid, colourful, clashing, all indelibly marking the white page. Her first […]
a little bit sweaty
My debut manuscript, White Shirt, was one of 10 titles selected for Dektet 2010, a 10-pack of Canadian poetry published by Frontenac House in honour of their 10th anniversary. The books were released five months ago with launch parties in Edmonton and Calgary at the end of April. Finally, the Toronto leg of the promo […]
dear mary o,
dear mary o, the soft animal of my body is in crisis. i went to the river and got turned back by mosquitoes, of all things. i went to the forest and got turned back by sadness. i sat in the long grass turned my eyes to the sky and was blinded by impatience. it […]
Frontenac/Dektet poets climbin’ the charts
Pages On Kensington’s (Calgary) Bestseller List (May 2, 2010) Original Edition Fiction and Poetry 1. Beatrice and Virgil – Yann Martel 2. Other Family – Joanna Trollope 3. Love Market – Carol Mason 4. Hypoderm – Weyman Chan 5. Children of Ararat – Keith Garebian 6. Fallacies of Motion – William Nichols 7. (Sic) – Nikki Reimer 8. Confessions […]
a white shirt goes with everything
Greetings, poetry lovers. My book White Shirt (Frontenac House; $15.95) is hot off the press and now available for purchase. “In this debut collection, best friends scream downhill on their ten-speed bikes; a tree planter spells out her lover’s name in seedlings; and a mysterious entity steps out of the mist in Stanley Park. The […]
haiku after monet at te papa
claude your eight red blobs placed in meadow with poplars take my breath away the poet who falls from atop a long white cloud grins and says thank you
lonny hears lenny
seamless. sublime. sexy. everything you’d expect from a leonard cohen concert. (everything i expected, anyway.) heard the master at auckland’s vector arena last night and was, well, blown away. i’ll try not to gush on here too much, but it’s not often poets-cum-songwriters fill arenas and get standing ovations just for stepping onto the stage … […]
if the bruising
if the whiskey flowed back in the bottle if the bruising branded the abuser if the bite if the cold if the rip cord if the night if the sleepwalking if the fist if the charm if the knife if the wishing if the dance if the seduction if the snake hair if the pleasure […]